Essential Print Services, was a member of the first Small Business Saturday 100 in 2013 and we’ve supported the initiative ever since. Our very own Print Evangelist, Yvonne Gorman, is one of only 10 Small Business Saturday UK Champions for the second year running.
Now in its fourth year, Yvonne has not slowed down in her enthusiasm and tenacity to help get Derby’ small businesses on the map. Essential Print Services has recently been featured in Marketing Derby’s e-shot and also The Guardian Online.
“Small Business Saturday plays a valuable role in focusing the minds of consumers and fellow business owners on what small businesses can offer in terms of a range of products and services and levels of customer service,” explains Yvonne. “Most people in this country either own a small business, work for a small business or know somebody who does. We will do everything we can to get people thinking small.”
“If you’re a small business owner or if you’re just considering starting your own company, then head to Derby’s Council House on Saturday 3rd December, 9.30am-1pm and you’ll find 30+ businesses that can help you with all sorts of issues from HR, accountancy, health and safety, law and funding, right through to graphic design, photography and of course, PRINTING!” Yvonne concluded.
Small Business Saturday is already the UK’s most successful small business campaign. This is the fourth year of the campaign, which last year saw £623m spent with small businesses across the UK on Small Business Saturday, an increase of £119m or 24 per cent on the previous year. The campaign trended at number one in the UK on Twitter on the day with more than 100,000 campaign-related tweets being sent. Over 75% of local councils supported the campaign, giving considerable national reach into local communities.
The campaign is a great nationwide promotional and marketing tool for small businesses. It is totally free to participate and any small businesses can get involved – from one-man-bands, through to a high growth office, and from tradesmen to social media gurus. In addition to the big day, the campaign also delivers help and advice alongside opportunities to connect with other small businesses. In short, Small Business Saturday exists to support, inspire and promote small businesses.
“The British public has a great affection for small businesses and we continue to see that grow year on year. Small Business Saturday is an exceptional example of collaboration and co-operation with small businesses teaming up in communities around the UK,” explains Campaign Director Michelle Ovens.
“Although the campaign focuses on one day, the goal is to have a lasting impact on small businesses by changing mindsets, so that people make it their mission to support small businesses all year round. Most people in this country own a small business, work for a small business or know somebody who does, so supporting a small business on Small Business Saturday is absolutely personal.”