“Think Big, Shop Small” says Yvonne Gorman, Owner of Essential Print Services and Small Business Saturday UK Champion
Being a business owner myself, I fully appreciate the blood, sweat and tears that go in to making a success of your venture and also just how hard it can be to get your name and product out there in to the public arena. I’ve learnt my lessons along the way, gaining valuable insights in to the things that work and the things that definitely don’t’, helping me to understand the challenges that smaller businesses can face but also how they can be overcome.
Everyone has to start somewhere and you un-doubtly want to make an impression (after all there are bills to pay), so how do you go about doing this and doing it well in a world of big brands, big names and even bigger budgets? Enter the “Small Business Saturday” Campaign!
As a firm believer in supporting the smaller and local businesses of Derby, I have been chosen to take on the role of Small Business Saturday Champion for the region! “Big deal” I hear you say but having been chosen with only 19 others from around the UK, I think it’s definitely something worth shouting about!

Small Business Saturday 100 Alumni and dignitaries attend this year’s launch. To the far left, Campaign Director; Michelle Ovens MBE and far right, Shadow Business Secretary; Chuka Umunna.
So what is it all about?
Well, the purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness and the profiles of smaller businesses and the necessity of local support. The campaign also highlights the substantial contribution that smaller businesses make to the UK economy as a whole.
Tell me more…
On Saturday 05th December the spotlight is firmly placed on the small businesses of the UK with an estimated 5million business taking part in the initiative. It’s my mission to unite the small business of Derby and Derbyshire in a show of strength and solidarity, to demonstrate the diverse range of products and services available in and around the region and indeed the East Midlands. It’s also a chance for local people to show their support by visiting their local retailers and service providers to see for themselves first hand, the benefits and advantages of supporting the smaller enterprises.
In 2014, the campaign saw in the region of 16.5 million people spending with smaller business in the UK on this one day alone, bringing in a staggering £504 million worth of revenue. This was a 20% increase on the estimated 2.7 million people who shopped locally previously in 2013.
Save the date – Saturday 5th December 2015
In the run up to the main event on the 05th December, there will be a series of free to attend workshops held up and down the country, led by small business owners and Entrepreneurs. These workshops will be broadcast via the Small Business Saturday YouTube Channel so don’t worry if you are unable to attend. You’ll also be able to follow the workshops through live Twitter Q&A sessions.
Not to be outdone by the rest of the UK, Essential Print Services, together with Derby City Council will be hosting its own event on the day at the Council House. There’ll be a Small Business Exhibition, free workshops and inspiring talks from some of Derby’s leading and award-winning business owners. It will be a celebration of Derby’s small businesses and everyone is welcome.
OK, how do I get Involved…
To find out more about “Small Business Saturday” in general please visit www.smallbusinesssaturdayuk.com. If you’d like to get involved with Derby’s activities, either as a Small Business or a supporter, contact me directly via email at von@essentialprintservices.co.uk.
Here’s a video for more reasons to get involved with Small Business Saturday.
What are you waiting for?